“you carry all the ingredients to turn your existence into joy. mix them! mix them!”
the coach within you
If you're invested in your personal growth and ready to claim your power, you've come to the right place.
Many moons ago, I consumed every self-help book, podcast and social media post that I could lay my hands on. I consulted with countless therapists, shamans, gurus and life coaches. I was so thirsty for self-awareness and knowledge that I looked everywhere. Except within myself.
When it struck me that everything I seek from others or from the universe – love, validation, motivation, creativity – is already inside of me, my entire perspective towards life changed. The discovery of the ‘coach within’ led me on a magical journey of self-discovery where I could co-create my reality by changing my personal narrative, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, expectations and assumptions about the world and my place in it.
The Coach Within You is a non-judgmental, insightful and safe space for you to connect with and activate your inner resources, power and wisdom to live a fulfilling and authentic life. By establishing a clear direction, setting inspired goals and taking meaningful action, you will embark on an exciting, liberating and highly rewarding journey filled with new insights and tools of empowerment.
As your coach, I will be a mirror that reflects your courage, an ally that holds space while you discover your deepest vulnerabilities and aspirations and your motivator-in-chief who challenges you when you might feel like giving up on yourself.